Trouble shoot your generator/regulator
Light on dash!! Could be a broken fan belt, or it could
be the brushes in the generator need to be replaced, or...
Here are some trouble shooting tips to help keep you
First, buy some kind of a volt meter. I have one in my
carry along tool kit that I picked up at a flea market for $8.00. I've
used it a number of times and it has more than paid for itself. (Remember,
the shops cost a minimum of $40 per hour.)
2. You need a couple of pieces of wire, preferably with clip leads on the end. You can pick them up from Radio Shack.
3. OK, now you want to determine if the generator is good. do this:
a. Stop the engine.
b. Remove the DF lead from the generator.
c. Connect the + side of your volt meter
to the D+ terminal on
the generator, and the
- side to a good chassis ground.
d. Be sure all the wires and tools are clear
of the fan belt
and start the engine.
e. Connect one end of a jumper lead to the
DF terminal on
the generator. While
revving up the engine (just a little)
with your left hand, touch
the free end of the jumper to
chassis ground.
The volt meter should indicate somewhere
between 13 and 18 volts.
(NOTE: This is what the regulator does. It senses a low voltage condition and connects the DF terminal to ground. Now you know)
f. If the meter doesn't indicate the voltage,
check the
brushes. You should
carry a spare set in your portable
tool box. Just swap
them out and run the test again.
g. If the meter does indicate the proper
voltage, the regulator
is probably bad.
Not much to do here except swap it out.
Polarize the generator
You should do this anytime you replace a generator, or you can do it in place of the above to test the generator.
a. Stop the engine.
b. REMOVE THE FAN BELT. (You can burn out
the generator if
you don't)
c. Remove D+ and DF wires from generator.
d. Connect the DF lead on the generator
to chassis/battery
e. Use a jumper wire to connect battery
+ to the D+ side of
the generator. Just
connect it temporarily.
f. The generator should start to turn, like
a motor.
If it does, the generator
is probably good, and it is now
properly polarized.